My Purpose

My journey began over a decade ago as I walked through the blurry steps to find my place in the workplace. I have led teams and also had leaders. One thing that seemed consistent with every place I worked was the lack of desire in most coworkers to be at work. There were maybe, a handful of coworkers who wanted to be working. Things naturally became toxic and unsafe as coworkers worked to compete and complain about each other.

I began to realize that most people work because they have to, not because they want to. There was a lack of purpose and the more people became intentional and purposeful in their pursuit of a new job and the work they do, the more motivated, productive and ultimately fulfilled they became.

Most of us spend about 50% of every single day of our lives working, and according to the Society for Human Resource Management, only 38% of the US workers are satisfied with their jobs. Do you know anyone who does not look forward to Mondays? Maybe that person is you but you know what? You’re not alone! It is possible to look forward to working every day of your life and excelling at it. This is why I developed DAMI Career & Leadership.

Tools For Job Search Success



When you really think about it, you’ll realize that not every opportunity is for you. Know which opportunities to pursue and which to pass on.



As much as the employer is looking to determine if you are the right fit for their organization, you also get to do the same, and here’s the good news, the ball is in your court!



Be willing to not just network but talk about what your desired next step is every chance you get. Give your network the opportunity of learning what you are hoping to accomplish because when a referral opportunity comes up, they’ll need to know what to share about you.

My Passion

I discovered my purpose as a medical missionary in 2007. Being raised in Nigeria, I saw firsthand how people lost their lives or lived a lesser quality of life because they could not access healthcare.

In 2014, I founded Divine Missions Health Center, a 501c3 that recruits medical and non-medical volunteers who travel to under-reached communities both locally and globally. Since founding the organization, I continue to serve communities in Africa and Central America.

I believe that healthcare is a right, not a privilege and all people should be able to access the care they need.




Start designing your dream job!